Jun 18, 2016 | Health and Wellbeing, Integrity, Masculinity, Relationships
10 minute read It’s said man to man, with a wink, a slight smile, and often with a touch of sarcasm. You hear it at the coffee shop while waiting in line, at the office, at lunch with a buddy, during “kitchen talk” at a party, or in the man-cave where “What’s...
Jun 3, 2016 | Health and Wellbeing, Integrity, Masculinity
I heard the whistle blow, and realized it came from me. I had a called a penalty kick in the midst of a heated game in a Men’s Soccer Tournament. The players on the defending team were screaming at me. “Are you crazy? What kind of bullshit was that? You’ve got to be...
May 19, 2016 | Integrity, Masculinity
They would be here any minute. I sighed. Looking down I noticed my hands were clenched into fists. I needed to relax. Taking a couple of deep breaths I decided to make some tea. I would be prepared. I wanted their stay to be as short as possible. I wouldn’t give them...
May 5, 2016 | Health and Wellbeing, Masculinity
Anger was my enemy. I would battle it, suppress it, and then I would lose control and it would explode creating carnage in its wake. I grew up not knowing how to express my feelings of frustration, anxiety, hurt, and disappointment. I avoided confrontation and did my...
Apr 12, 2016 | Health and Wellbeing, Integrity, Masculinity, World View
The pressure is on to have a happy life. The message is if you don’t have ongoing happiness then you need to pursue it.You need to find your purpose, change your job, get a new partner, move locations—do something, anything, to find the happiness you’re...
Apr 1, 2016 | Health and Wellbeing, Integrity, Masculinity
The machete felt good in my hand. I was surprised the feeling was so natural. I was born, raised, and worked a corporate career in a Canadian city. I was a typical city slicker. I was never considered a tough kid growing up. I was short and slight for my age and often...