Jul 5, 2018 | EBooks, Empowerment, Health and Wellbeing, Integrity, Relationships, World View
This is the first in a series of stories to help you take steps to a thriving life by becoming ‘Empowered By Choice’. This eBook provides a practical and effective approach to ‘Getting Unstuck’. I encourage you to take ten minutes out of your...
Apr 9, 2018 | Health and Wellbeing, Integrity, Masculinity, Relationships, World View
Modern-day man Tough, competitive, emotionless Expression by anger or silence One of the guys Provider, protector, procreator Play the game of Chameleon Water cooler wife jokes Pumped up by putting down Judgment justifies identity Scurry up the rungs of success Grind...
Mar 28, 2018 | Health and Wellbeing, Integrity, Relationships, World View
We all are guilty. You know what I mean: over-emphasizing the wonderful, or exaggerating the hardships. Human nature. Keeping a ‘level-head’ is difficult, but it is not impossible. The key? You’ve had it all along… be aware of it. I...
Feb 25, 2018 | Health and Wellbeing, Integrity, Relationships, World View
“Life” happens to all of us. No one is immune. We can feel mired in the abyss of what is happening around us, or to us. Some times it feels like the world is spinning out of control. Despair is knocking at your door. Are you going to let it in and allow it...
Jan 29, 2018 | Health and Wellbeing, Integrity, Relationships, World View
The essence of the minimalist movement is to own less stuff and thus simplify your life. Sounds good. However, there are challenges with any major lifestyle change. I don’t believe minimalism will work for everyone. I suggest you do your research to understand...
Jan 8, 2018 | Health and Wellbeing, Integrity, Pornography, Recovery, World View
It’s one week into 2017 as I write this. How are those New Year’s Resolutions coming along? Maybe you’ve not started, or have given up, or perhaps you’re having difficulty keeping the momentum going, or beginning to resent the effort involved? If so, you’re not...