A Sensitive Man
He cries at movies And when his wife is in tears Feels the sadness of strangers And shares their fears…
Remembering My Father With These Two Words
It is my father’s courage that I wish to aspire to. I want to face my challenges with his spirit.
Exposing The Myth Of “Happy Wife Happy Life”
It’s said man to man, with a wink, a slight smile…
Stop Feeling Hopeless About The Problems In The World
What can you do about the problems in the world? There is a solution.
How Refereeing Soccer Made Me A Better Man
I heard the whistle blow, and realized it came from me. I had a called a penalty kick in the midst of a heated game in a Men’s Soccer Tournament. Could I handle the criticism? …
The Reality Show Of Recovery
Welcome to the reality show, “This, Is Your Recovery!” There will be drama, a roller coaster of emotions and almost certainly a cliffhanger for the next episode. It will never be boring…
A Story Of Unwanted Visitors At The Door
They would be here any minute. I sighed. Looking down I noticed my hands were clenched into fists. I needed to relax. Taking a couple of deep…
5 Awesome Things About Recovery
The thought of recovery terrified me. A part of me assumed the worst and the life I knew would be over. I would lose everything I that I had worked for…
Want To Be Truly Motivated? Try Anger
Anger was my enemy. I would battle it, suppress it, and then I would lose control and it would explode creating carnage in its wake…
Goodbye Alcohol Hello Clarity
Five years ago today I chose to finally stop drinking alcohol. I’d had enough. It was a very challenging decision to make, and to continue making for the first year. There were physical challenges for…
Why The Pursuit Of Happiness Is Overrated
The pressure is on to have a happy life. The message is if you don’t have ongoing happiness then you need to pursue it. You need to find your purpose…
A Tropical Island, A Machete, A Man And His Masculinity
The machete felt good in my hand. I was surprised the feeling was so natural.I was born, raised, and worked corporate career in a Canadian city…